

Can a dog sit in a chair?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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11y ago

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Dogs can sit "on" chairs (on haunches) or much less frequently "in" chairs, where their legs extend over the front as human legs do.

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You sit ON a chair, you sit AT a desk.

What is sit- in?

a sit in is when you sit in a chair

You sit on the chair or in the chair?

It is on the chair not in the chair you do not say in am sitting in the chair although you do you saiy I'm sitting on the the chair, an dchairwould be like a stool if you havent got a back rest or anthing whereas if it is a fully arm chair then it is in the chair because you are sitting down with a cover surrounding you back!

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You sit on a chair by sitting on it! It is not hard, unless if you have a difficulty.

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How do you put sit and set in one sentence?

The woman set the box on the table and told the over enthusiastic dog to sit. She was about to set the box on the table, when she decided to sit it on the arm of her chair instead.

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A chair

Is sit a noun as in sit in a chair?

No, "sit" is not a noun in that context. It is a verb that describes the action of sitting. A noun in that sentence would be "chair," which is the object of the action.

Can a chicken sit on a chair?

yes it can if you put it on the chair

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"Cher" is a homophone for chair.

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A chair