the cat dies dont try it >:(
You can stuff a sock with catnip. Instant cat toy!
No, a cat did not jump on my pregnant belly.
Yes, I've have had a cat that purred while she was pregnant.
In this case, since it is a dirty sock, the cat is showing affection by wallowing in your scent. Animals have a greatly different response to scents than humans do; they love them! The more intense, the better. Humping the sock is a way of showing the intensity. The cat cannot think of another way to express it. This behavior is not of a sexual nature. Many cat do this because they were taken away from their mother to early. The cat finds comfort in needing and sucking on the sock--the sock is taking place of the mother. Many cats will do this to pillows, blankets and some will even get into humans hair and do this. Don't worry--this is fairly common.
Yes. In fact, that is the only time that a cat can get pregnant.
Have you tried rubbing cat urine on your face
A cat is able to get pregnant as early as 4 months of age.
No. Animals can only get animals of their own species pregnant. A dog can only get a dog pregnant, a cat can only get a cat pregnant, etc.
A cat can get pregnant within 24-48 hours after mating.
yes a cat over about 4 months can potentially become pregnant
When a cat is pregnant, the cat will act differently. Every cat might act a little differently when pregnant but here are the main things:Your cat will want more attention than usual.Your cat will gain a huge appetite.Your cat will have different moods meaning sometimes your cat will hide from you and want to be left alone and other times your cat will want your full attention.Your cat will meow a lot.Your cat will sleep more than usual.