

Best Answer depends. For example, a cat that is 10 yards away from a cat with a disease won't catch anything, but when cats greet each other, they normally sniff each others noses. Even if their noses do not touch, this could transmit disease.

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Q: Can a cat catch a disease from another cat without touching it?
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A communicable disease is one that one person can catch from another person. The flu is one such disease. A noncommunicable disease is one that one person can not catch from another. Cancer is one such disease.

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Non Communicable simply means that you can't catch the disease from casual contact with another person who has it. Cancer, or heart disease would be a terrible disease but you cant "Catch them" for someone that has them. A cold or the flu, std's are all examples of "Communicable diseases", diseases you can catch from contact with someone that has them.

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A contagious disease is a disease that can be transmitted from an infected person to another. Not all contagious diseases require direct physical contact. For instance, a mosquito can bite an infected person who has malaria and then later bite a person who does not have malaria, and they can contract malaria without ever seeing the other infected person. Some diseases are called 'air borne' which means the disease travels through the air from one person to another. Sometimes just being in the same room where an infected person was is enough to catch the disease. Some diseases require direct physical contact or even transfer of bodily fluids, such as blood, saliva, or tears. We call those 'infectious diseases.' Some diseases are not contagious. For example heart disease or arthritis are not contagious. You cannot 'catch' arthritis or heart disease or even cancer by being around or having physical contact with someone who has these diseases.

How do cats catch FIP disease?

Cats can contract FIP via indirect (touching) contact with infected cats or via indirect contact (through food dishes, etc).

How is the disease transmitted How can you catch the pathogen?

Diseases can be transmitted any number of ways. To catch a pathogen, one must be in contact with another who has been afflicted.