Reply for the former answer, which i don't consider correct.
The question is : what animals can defeat a tiger; Mambas can kill a tiger, (someone may take it to Asia...). About Lions and tigers: Consider a big lion and a tiger of the same weight..... (percentage is not valid for this question) A Buffalo can't kill a large tiger, unless the tiger is starving, thus, weak. A group of wild dogs can kill a tiger by making the tiger very tired, but it is a big group, not an animal alone. Wild boars can "sometimes" ( subjective statement) A wild boar never can kill a tiger on a normal situation.
Summarising: Many animals can kill a tiger depending on every situation, but mostly, Tigers are unbeatable. The only animal that can really kill a tiger is an elephant, no matter the situation. Mambas, I agree, is not valid for this question.
No, because tigers beat lions and lions beat jaguars.
tigers have more mussel strength hunting skills bite force
Cheetah Jaguar Tiger Cougar Horse Bird Dog Lion
Yes, the jaguar is in the same genus as the lion, tiger, leopard and snow leopard.
Bengal tiger is hunting in a jungle a jaguar meats up and growls at the tiger the tigerSnarls back the jaguar swipes the tiger but the tiger dodges the hit sprints in toVegetation the jaguar scampered up a tree it spotted the tiger it lands into the openThan the jaguar tries to knock the tiger down but the the tiger sinks its teeth into theJaguar neck killing the jaguar WINNER🏆 Bengal tiger wins
No. A Jaguar is a large animal but a tiger is usually bigger than a jaguar. Hence the tiger would be able to defend itself.
tiger can beat a cheetah
Tiger on Beat was created in 1988.
Tiger Beat was created in 1965.
The "tiger" of the Amazon is the jaguar, Panthera Onca..