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It is possible, but it is very rare in puppies, it usually happens with older dogs.

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12y ago

Yes, it can occur in GSDs, because they are large dogs.

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Q: Can a German Shepard dog stomach turn over?
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What is the mechenical digestion in the stomach?

There are three muscular layers within the stomach (longitudinal, transverse and oblique) that act to turn over and mix the food.

Why are gsds number 3 in the dangerous dog list?

German shepards have had a reputation for being vicios since the 50s,60s,70s,80, and 90s and now, why do you think the police use for attacking people and the army use them for guarding, and in America German shepards are responsible for more bittings than eny other breed and in England 300 dogs die each year cause of German Shepard attacks personily i cant stick German shepards and the people that mostly own them are wankers , if you are thinking of getting a dangerous dog get a rottie a dob or eny mastiff breed but don't get a German Shepard they can turn at eny time

How many weeks do it take for a dog to turn a month old?

it depends what kind of dog you're talking about

What organs turn food into chyme?

it the stomach

Can 40 mg of prednisone per day for 19 days turn your German Shepard into a monster?

Yes, that is a very high dose. He will feel like superdog. Also be aware you can't stop prednisone cold turkey you have to slowly reduce the dose.

Where does food turn into chyme?


Are there rules for swimming?

yes, on breaststroke and butterfly you have to do a 2 hand touch at the wall, if you don't you get disqualified. you also can not turn over on your stomach on backstroke.

Will algae turn to fungi if eaten while stomach has an over growth of candida?

No, algae will not turn into fungi if eaten, even if the stomach has an overgrowth of candida. Algae and fungi are different organisms with distinct characteristics and biological pathways. The overgrowth of candida in the stomach is a separate issue that would need to be addressed through appropriate medical or dietary interventions.

To turn in German?


Does acidic substances turn alkaline in the stomach?


What does to turn is German?

drehen is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

How can a dog get a swollen stomach?

I can't think of what it is called but its when the stomach does a turn and food cannot get in or out of stomach,its serious, call your vet ASAP