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no, lemon grass and it's oils are listed as toxic to horses and should not be ingested.

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Q: Can I use lemongrass oil around my horses water?
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What are the steps in making lemongrass as mosquito repellent?

Easy. You need lemongrass, garlic, olive oil and eucalyptus oil 1. chop the garlic 2. clean then boil the lemongrass 3. put water on the garlic 4. distill the garlic 5. mix the lemongrass' boiled water and the garlic's water. 6. mix the eucalyptus and olive oil. 7. mix, mix, mix 8. put it on a container. That's it :) -kyra

How can lemon grass remove stain?

Lemongrass contains citral, which has natural cleaning properties. To remove a stain with lemongrass, you can create a paste by mixing lemongrass essential oil with baking soda or vinegar, apply it to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse with water. Lemongrass can help break down the stain and lift it from the surface.

What is the English word for Malayalam word pulthailam?

Landslide or Mudslide

How do you get the Burke Williams room smell?

The woman at the desk of the spa said it is a small crock pot filled with water and drops of essential oil - Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Geranium and Lavander.

What are the health-related benefits of using lemongrass oil?

Lemongrass oil is a yellow citrus essential oil derived from lemongrass. The ayurvedic and alternative medical practitioners and aromatherapists promote its use in many conditions. The moderate use of the oil offers the following benefits based on scientific studies, Lemongrass oil works as a natural remedy to heal wounds and prevent infection. It is effective against a variety of drug-resistant bacteria that cause pneumonia, skin infections, blood infections, and serious intestinal infections. The oil prevents the fungus which causes the athlete’s foot, ringworm, and jock itch. The citral content in the lemongrass oil helps reduce inflammation & pain in arthritis, heart-related disease, and cancer. The antioxidants in the oil are beneficial in oral health if used in mouthwash. Its use in herbal teas and supplements helps prevent gastric ulcers and nausea. The oil slows down intestinal motility and helps in diarrhea. The intake of lemongrass oil reduces cholesterol and blood sugar. The massage with its dilution helps relieve stress and anxiety by lowering diastolic blood pressure. It releases serotonin hormone that uplifts mood, helps in a sound sleep, and promotes appetite & cognitive functions. Quality is of utmost importance for deriving wellness benefits. The reputed lemongrass essential oil manufacturer employs standard processes and uses select raw material to extract quality oil.

What is the recommended internal dosage of lemongrass?

Tea: 1 - 2 tsp of the herb with 1 cup boiling water, steep 10 - 15 minutes, 1 to 4 cups daily. Lemongrass oil: 3 - 6 drops on a sugar cube or with 1 tsp vanilla (to treat gas or vomiting) And more . . .

How was lemongrass oil used in ancient times?

It was used for aromatherapy to treat common cold and related ailments.

What parts of the lemongrass plant are used medicinally?

The leaves and stems of the lemongrass plant are used for their medicinal properties. They are often used to make teas, essential oils, and extracts that are believed to have various health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation.

What substance is in lemon grass?

Citronella oil is one of the essential oils obtained from the leaves and stems of different species of lemongrass.

Can lemon grass oil be taken in pregnancy If not why?

Lemongrass should not be used in pregnancy because of uterine and menstrual flow stimulation.

Is citronella a type of wax?

No, it's a word used for a variety of plants. Citronella candles are candles scented with citronella oil, oil from from plants in the Cymbopogon genus (lemongrass).

Are horses affected by oil spills?

No horses are not effected by the oil spill only animals that live in the ocean.So no horses don't get affected by the oil spill.