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interesting question, probably at most 30 months, because by two many know how to talk to ask for things.

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Q: By what age should babies point?
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What age should you stop having babies?

Doctors highly recommend that women stop having babies around their mid 30s. Having babies durring or above this age, may cause miscarriages.

Can you have 3 babies at the age of 13?

yes but you should not it is bad for your helth if you have to meny babies it will hurt a lot so i would not but then it is up to you.

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No one has the right to allow or deny pregnancy. No one should have that right.

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They can have babies from 5 to 7

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Baby oil should get it off, and since it's safe for babies, it should be safe for you.

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No, a fixed cat at any age will not feel the urge to reproduce.

Can babies under 8 months eat cookies?

Babies at this age are just starting to eat solid foods. They should eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, not cookies.

Are five year old children still considered babies?

No, a 5 yr old is a child. About age 2 is when you stop considering a kid a baby. At that point they are toddlers till age 5.

When does baby talk?

Babies all develop at a different rate, so it is hard to be specific. Though most babies should be able to say 2 to 3 words by age 1.

What age can you start having babies at?

When you have your period usually....but also when you are financially able as well as physically and emotionally too. Babies are expensive so you and your spouse ideally should have good income.