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=Hi==Different dogs take a shorter or longer time to potty train. My dog who is a malinois cross German shepherd.It took him roughly around 2 months to realise he didn't go inside he went outside now he sits and waits by the back door until someone comes to let him out.==Hope this helps!=

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Q: By how many weeks does a puppy need to be potty trained?
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In most cases, a veterinarian is trained to wait until the puppy is four months (16 weeks) old to schedule a spay/neuter surgery. However, new research and techniques show you can spay a puppy as young as 8 weeks with very low complication rates provided the puppy is at least 5 pounds in weight at the time of surgery.

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your child should be potty trained right from birth 'Potty trained from birth'? No............................. let's just say it's a lot of diapers.

Where can someone find videos about potty training a puppy?

A person could find many videos with several different methods on potty training a puppy on the video sharing website YouTube. Other options are AOL On, DailyMotion, DailyPuppy, Vimeo, and Petside.

How many accidents a day is normal after potty training for four weeks?

1 or 2

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I have owned and trained many dogs including in search and rescue. But I will say that my BMC is the smartest yet by far. potty trained in 1 day, crate potty trained in 4 days. He is 4 months old and sits,stays,lays down,shakes,high fives,speaks,heals,comes all with ease.

Potty Training Your Puppy or Dog?

Potty training a puppy or dog can be challenging, but it is one of the most important things you can do to help your pet become a cherished family member. Whether you are working with a puppy or an adult dog, arm yourself with patience, enzymatic cleanser and a sense of humor to make potty training a positive experience.When potty training a puppy, remember that puppies are not developed enough to allow them to go very long between breaks. In general, a puppy can go between breaks as many hours as his age in months plus one hour. So, a two month old puppy could go three hours between potty breaks. Of course, every puppy will develop a little differently, so you may find your puppy needs more frequent potty breaks.Most puppies and dogs have specific times when they will need to potty. Take your pet outside to do his business after eating or drinking, and after a play session. Watch for sniffing the floor and circling. These are signs he needs to potty, so take him outside.To potty train your pet, you need to go outside with her every time until she is completely trained. Praise and reward her whenever she goes potty outside. She'll soon associate pottying outside with rewards.To help a puppy remain comfortable for more hours through the night, don't feed or allow him to drink for several hours before bedtime. Of course, if it is warm or the puppy has been playing, you'll need to allow him to drink. If possible, keep him cool and quiet before bedtime. Keep your puppy in a crate by your bed, and plan to potty young puppies in the middle of the night.Use a crate to help with training. Most puppies and dogs do not want to soil their dens, so they are less likely to go potty in their crates. If you aren't able to watch your untrained pet, give her a chance to potty and then put her in the crate. Don't overuse the crate. Most pets should not be crated more than eight to 10 hours a day.Despite your best efforts to watch your pet, he may have an accident in the house. If this happens, take a deep breath and remain calm. If you catch him in the act, you can calmly say oops, take him outside, and encourage him to potty there. Don't scold or punish him as this could make him afraid to potty in front of you.If you find the accident later, just clean it up, and promise yourself you'll keep a better eye on her in the future. Bringing your pet to the accident and punishing her won't help.Potty training takes time, commitment and patience. It is one of the most important steps in helping your pet become a loved family member, and it is well worth your time to do it right.

What age do your dog has to be to get potty trained?

How To Potty Train A PuppyPotty Training should begin as soon as your puppy gets home. Puppies urinate frequently and success in house training a puppy depends on anticipating their needs - they should be given the opportunity to relieve themselves at least every two hours. You can usually tell when a puppy 'wants to go' because it will begin looking around, walk in circles and start sniffing for a place. That's your cue to take your pet outside or to the designated area. Remember you must stick to a strict routine, when house training a puppy, so it will quickly learn to be clean within the home. It is also important when learning how to potty train a puppy, that you don't get complacent, or your dog's toilet training can take a back-slide. Continue with the toilet training routine until you are sure that your puppy knows that indoors is not the place to go. Gradually decrease the number of outdoor trips and newspapers inside, but if there are any accidents, just increase the number of visits outdoors again.

Do 12week old puppies pee a lot?

Puppies do not gain bowel or bladder control until they are around four months of age. Until then, you shouldn't expect a puppy to "hold it" for every long. A good rule of thumb for how many hours a pup can go between potty breaks, is the puppy's age in months, plus one. A three month old puppy shouldn't be expected to "hold it" for more than 4 hours. Until the puppy is trained to relieve itself outside, it would think nothing of going to the bathroom in the house, because it doesn't know any better.

How many weeks should a shih tzu puppy be when they leave their mother?

It is the same for all puppies. Don't take a puppy away from it's mother until it is 8 weeks old. It needs time to learn from it's mother.

At how many months can a dog be sold?

A puppy should be 7-8 weeks old so about 2 months.

What is the earliest age that a puppy can be taken from its mother?

If a puppy is eating well it can can be taken from its mother at 5 weeks of age.

How many months old is an 11 year old?

You will be 11. Nothing more, nothing less. At 11 you have lived 11 years. Five of them learning to walk, talk, and getting potty trained.