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It is where any baby animal is within its mother: in the uterus or womb.

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Q: Before a calf is born where is it in the mother cow?
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Related questions

What is a baby cow and a mother cow called?

The baby is called a calf and mother is a cow. Together they are called a cow-calf pair, or "mom and baby."

What is the name of a mother cow?

An adult female that has had a calf is a cow.A young female before she has had a calf and is under three years of age is called a heifer.

What do you call the calf's mother?

Most often a calf's mother is referred to as the dam of the calf, or more commonly, a cow. If it's a heifer that has had a calf for the first time, some folks like to call her a first-calf heifer.

What are the parents of calf?

Mother, being the cow, is the dam. Father, being the bull, is the sire.

Is a pregnant cow a mother of a calf or is it a grandma?

A pregnant cow who gives birth is a mother.

What is the mother of a kudu calf called?

Mother, dam or cow.

How does a black cow and black bull have a white calf?

They don't. It's simply not possible. The only way a black cow can "have" a white calf is if the white calf has been adopted by that cow because her calf had died at birth and the white calf had no mother because it's mother either rejected it or died giving birth to it. It's new surrogate mother then happened to be a black cow.

Once a cow starts to lactate how long is it before the calf is due?

It depends on the cow. Sometimes it can be a couple weeks before a calf is born that they start springing (producing milk), or it can be right after she gives birth. Every heifer and cow is different.

What is a cows young?

A cow's young is called a calf. Calves are born after a gestation period of around 9 months and are typically nursed by their mother for several months before being weaned.

How long does a moose live with its parents?

A calf will normally only live with its mother (called a cow) for a year. A calf can be separated from its mother is if it chased off by bull who wants to mate with its mother during the rut. Calves are mostly chased off by their mother in late May, right before she gives birth. If a cow does not become pregnant, the calf can stay with its mother for two years.

What is a sentence for a baby calf?

I saw a baby calf drinking the milk of her mother cow.

What comes first cow is separated before calf is born or cows udder fills with milk?

It depends on the cow. Heifers sometimes will bag up (udder fills with milk) for weeks before they calve, other times they will bag up after the calf is born. Most cows will bag up a few days before a calf is born, so it can be either or.