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when do staffs heads start gettin a splitt at what age about and when do they reach there full height?

They don't split. From 6 months of age, or more usually from 9 months, they start to mature sexually. One of their secondary sexual characteristics is to develop lots of muscle on their heads. No splitting of any kind is involved.

Full height is by 1 year of age. Full musculature in an unneutered male is by around 18 months of age. Please do neuter your staffies, they're my favourite breed but there are far, far too many of them being bred!!

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13y ago
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14y ago

It depends on whether the dog is male or female, as the female's head will not split in the same way as that of the male since the female will have a smaller head. But the dog's head will split by 1-2 years of age.

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13y ago

Between 1 to 2 years of age.....<<<This answer is a load of rubbish lol...A Staffy's head doesn't split !!...If ur staffies head has split i should take it to a vets ! lol.....It just has the appearance of splitting because of the muscle that builds up ontop of his/her head....2 muscles with a small gap in between :o) Hope this has helped xXx

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14y ago

not sure if it the same for all staffs but i have a 6 month old male staff and his head is spliting

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13y ago

it's just the breed; it's in their genetics.

why are white English bull terriers more prone to being born with skin, ear and eye problems? it's just the genes.

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14y ago

The head doesn't actually split the term does refer to the physiological transformation into a well developed mature dog which comes at about 18 months of age.

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14y ago

There is no specific age at which a Staffordshire bull terrier's head gets significantly bigger than the rest of its body. It just gets bigger as the rest of the dog's body gets bigger.

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14y ago

At between 1 and 2 years of age.

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12y ago

Their heads never split.

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Q: At what age does a Staffordshire bull terrier's head get bigger?
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Why does a staffies head split?

Breeds such as Staffordshire Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers have a signature ''head split'' as they become adults at about six months to a year. This distinct formation of the skull means that the bone is fused strongly together, giving these breeds very hard heads! This serves no real purpose other than for more protection for the brain and is nothing to worry about as the vast majority of purebred Staffies have it. It does not hurt the dog and can be compared to the fusing of a child's skull as it grows older.

How do you tell a staff from a pitball?

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are smaller, with shorter stockier legs and more square shaped head. While an American Pit Bull Terrier is longer legged, less bulky and has a more wedge shaped head.

Do the heads split on female staffordshire bull terriers?

Why would you think the heads split on a female Staffordshire bull terrier? Does your head split? No their heads do not split unless someone takes an ax to their head.

When do staffies heads start to split?

Most Staffordshire Bull Terriers heads ''split'' at around six months to a year.

What is the difference between a bull terrier and a pit bull?

A bull terrier is a breed known for its distinctive egg-shaped head and muscular build, while a pit bull is a term that refers to several breeds, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Pit bulls are often associated with a negative reputation due to misconceptions about their behavior, while bull terriers are known for their playful and energetic nature.

How can you visually tell the difference between a Staffordshire terrier and a pitbull terrier?

Firstly, the Pit Bull is not actually a breed, but the term is used to refer to breeds such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and sometimes the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Assuming by ''Pit Bull'' you mean the American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier, the difference is that the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a few inches shorter, weighs less and was first bred in England. ''Pit Bull'' type dogs are unfortunately illegal in many countries, such as the UK, with the exception of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier; which is still legal.

What dog breeds were used to create the Bull Terrier?

American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers are very similar in appearance, with the main difference being that Pit Bulls are usually considerably larger and have longer legs. The English Bull Terrier is easily distinguishable from both Pit Bulls and Staffys as they have a uniquely shaped head which slopes steeply downwards from the base of the ears. English Bull Terriers are also generally bigger than Staffords but smaller than Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls, English Bull Terriers and Staffys are each recognized as individual breeds by the various existing Kennel Club organisations.

Do English bull terriers suffer blindness?

Yes, due to their unique head shape and severe inbreeding, many English Bull Terriers are born blind. Many white English Bull Terriers are also death or have hearing loss.

What is the difference between a pit bull and an American Staffordshire Terrier?

The name American stafforshire terrier is not the same breed as the American Pitbull Terrier or the Stafordshire bull terrier (although they are very close cousins.) The Pitbull was bred for performance rather than looks so there are a wide variety of body types and temperments. The American Staffordshire was bred for the show ring which is why the body type is often similar in this breed.

What age is a Staffordshire bull terrier before its head splits?

Their heads never split.

What is head splitting in staffies?

Breeds such as Staffordshire Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers have a signature ''head split'' as they become adults at about six months to a year. This distinct formation of the skull means that the bone is fused strongly together, giving these breeds very hard heads! This serves no real purpose other than for more protection for the brain and is nothing to worry about as the vast majority of purebred Staffies have it. It does not hurt the dog and can be compared to the fusing of a child's skull as it grows older. This can be seen as a dip in the middle of the dog's head.

How can you tell when a Stafford shire bull terriers head is splitting?

Their heads never split.