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A foal, a midget horse, or if a male, a colt. In this case not a player from Indianapolis.

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Q: At five months what size is the fetus of a horses foal?
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Related questions

How long a horse stays in the water?

horses hold there foal for 11 months.

Do horses mate in spring?

yes they do and 11 months later a foal is born

If your horse was bred on June 17 2007 when is the foal due?

Horses gestate for 11 months. You have time to plan. mares are usually in foal about 11 months, roughly. so if your mare was bred on June 17,07 the foal should be due around the early part of may.

Does a foal develop inside a horses stomach or by some other means?

A foal develops inside a female horses uterus. Horses are placental mammals which means that, after conception, the zygote (fertilized egg) attaches to the uteran wall and then develops. After about 11 months, the mare (female horse) gives birth to a relatively well developed baby, the foal.

Why do horses in the wild usually have their babies in the spring or before June?

Wild and feral horses typically foal during the spring so that there will be ample food for them to eat while they are nursing their foals, then once the foal has been weaned in about 6 months time they will have adequate food to put weight on for the winter. Also the warmer months allow the foal to grow bigger before winter sets in and the foal has time to adjust to the drop in temperature.

How long is a horses first cycle?

A horse's first heat cycle, known as the "foal heat," usually occurs within 5-12 days after giving birth. This initial postpartum estrus cycle may last around 5-10 days, but it can vary from mare to mare.

How often can a female horse have a baby?

The gestation period for horses is 11 months so a mare can only have one foal a year.

When does a mare give birth?

After 11-12 months, she will drop her foal. To say, it will be born. Mares normally foal at night when she is safer from predators. In the wild, she will stay away from her herd for about 10-14 days in order to establish a bond with her foal. If they foal is exposed to other horses too early on in life, the foal will be confused as to who its mother is.

What is birth called for horses?

To Foal~

How long should a conamara foal stay with its mother?

In nature a foal stays with it's mother until 6 months to one year of age, depending on the sex. Domestic horses however typically have their foals weaned from them at between 4 and 6 months of age.

Can you mate horses on HorseIsle?

No, horses on Horse Isle never age or die. If you'd like a foal for your horses you can buy one from a Foal companion shop for 165k.

When horses are babies how long does it take them to live alone?

They are usually weaned at around 6 months, and then you start to separate the mother and her foal gradually.