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they are extinct.

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Q: Are woolly mammoths found in Georgia?
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Do woolly mammoths live in northern Alaska?

Woolly Mammoths are extinct.

What is the age of the woolly mammoth?

The oldest known fossils of woolly mammoths were found in sediments that may have been 150,000 years old. Most woolly mammoths became extinct about 10,000 years ago. However, a dwarf group of woolly mammoths survived on Wrangel Island until about 1700 BC.

The woolly mammoths found in the permafrost of Siberia and Alaska are an example of?

original remains

What color are woolly mammoths?

Wooly Mammoths are brown.

Did woolly mammoths like pop tarts?

yes they love them... infact I would say they are the best to woolly mammoths!

Where woolly mammoths lived?

The woolly mammoths lived about 20,000 years ago and became extinct during the Ice Age.

Are woolly mammoths found in Minnesota?

Yes, woolly mammoths have been found in Minnesota. Fossil remains of woolly mammoths have been discovered in various locations across the state, providing evidence of their presence in the region during the Pleistocene era.

Where in north America did woolly mammoths live?

Woolly mammoths lived primarily in Russia and northern Europe. However, they have been found in the Arctic regions of North America. These mammoths lived in Alaska.

Where have woolly mammoth fossils been found?

Yes! I do not know much about Wolly Mammoths but I do know that they have found lots of their fossils!

What is a woolly mammoths reaction to a human?

Get out of here! Wooly mammoths were hunted by humans.

What family does the woolly mammoth belong to?

Woolly mammoths belinged to the Elephantidae family.

What year were the woolly mammoths alive?