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White tail deer are more apt to be nocturnal where they are hunted but none the less they prefer night time browsing. You will always see more deer at night than in the day time no matter where you go. When I was a boy my Dad and I counted 174 deer on about a 40 mile stretch of road. Traveling that same road during the day time we didn't even see one, and as a youth I was always looking for deer when traveling through the country. At the present I hunt a piece of property that the first day I got permission I shot a 14 pointer and hadn't even set my stand up yet. Almost got ran over by a doe and around an 8-10 pointer. This was at around 2:00 pm. Since then (Nov. 2007) I have shot only one other deer there. It truly is all about being in the right place at the right time, (and not stinking to bad). Just the other evening there is some neighbors to the land owner that hunts right next to me and I had raked a trail a little deeper in the woods than my stand sits and walked to the end of it and right at dusk I heard a deer jump a down tree and just knew he was coming my way and about 5 minutes later a single shot in the same direction. So are deer nocturnal? I would say yes but more so where they are hunted and pressured. Even the slightest activity in there play ground and they know it. The catch is, How do you convince them to be more diurnal without scareing them off or waiting for the rut when they are thinking more on breeding than bleeding?

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14y ago

No, actually deer are crepuscular which means they are active during dawn and dusk

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Q: Are white tailed deer nocturnal or diurnal?
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A white tailed deer is a herbivore.

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Yes, White-tailed deer do migrate.

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White tailed deer are herbivores. They do not eat animals.

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No, owls do not eat white tailed deer. White tailed deer are much bigger than owls.

What is a baby white tail deer called?

Baby or Young White Tailed Deer look cute. They are called fawns. Fawns are the young of a Doe (Female White Tailed Deer) and a Buck (Male White Tailed Deer).

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White-tailed deer are a type of deer. You need to be more specific as to what other kind of deer you mean.

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the state animal is the white tailed deer.

Is it white tailed deer or white tail deer or whitetail deer?

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What are facts about the white tailed deer?

a white tailed deer has a white tail and the rest of its body fur is brownFrom another user:White tailed deer have a white under side of their tail which they show when running as a warning to other deer. They also have white speckles.its a deer that has a white tail white under belly and you will know if its a white tail deer cause when it is spooked its tail goes up and that warns other deer also shoot it especaly if its a buck.the white tailed deer is a nice deer sometimes mean to other animals.

Is a white tailed deer threatened?

Two subspecies of the White-tailed Deer are on the U.S. Endangered Species List. The Key Deer is classified as endangered in Florida, and the Columbian White-tailed Deer is classified as endangered in Washington and Oregon.