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yes you dum bimbo by Joshua foxx

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Q: Are whales becoming exticnt
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Will killer whales be exticnt?

They aren't at the moment.

Why are whales starting to get exticnt?

1. People are hunting and killing whales off faster than they're being replaced through natural increase (births that lead to adults) 2. Whales are losing habitat due to environmental change and degradation, such as global warming.

Are whales becoming extinct?

Whales are as a matter of fact becoming extinct and this is because of things such as; commercial whaling and over fishing.

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Why are whales becoming exctinct?

Because people are killing them.

Are whales becoming instinct?

No, they smell just as bad as they ever did.

What are you trying to do to keep blue whales from becoming extinct?


Is whaling putting whales close to extinction?

Yes and its slowly becoming outlawed

About how many animals have gone exticnt?

No one knows exactly how many animals have gone extinct, because the fossil records only are the preserved remains of a mere fraction of the animals that ever lived, because the formation of fossils has to occur in such specific conditions. However, scientists where able to estimate that about 99.9% of all of the animals that have ever lived on this planet have gone extinct. False most of the animals that had lived on this Earth or still do are becoming or became exticnt, many reasons and it is at least 85% of the animals that are exticnt. Mostly cased by polution, global warming, abuse, the ozone layer, fossil fuel, and CFC molecules.)

Is the megalodon exticnt?

Yes, that is the general consensus in marine biology community.

Why did people kill whales when they were becoming extinct?

B/c they could make money from it.

What is bad about endangered species?

There are so few of the species remaining that they may become exticnt