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Werewolves are imaginary animals- so I can imagine that they would be.

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Q: Are werewolves afraid of the fire?
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Related questions

How do vampires know if werewolves are afraid of them?

vampires don't exist. werewolves don't exist. didn't you know that?

Why does snakes afraid of the fire?

why do you afraid of fire.

What is the name of the phobia that means that you are afraid of werewolves?

the phobia of werewolves is called Lycanthropy. i don't know how to spell it right though. Lycanthrope is the "disease" in which you "think" you are a werewolf. Not the phobia.

Why are People afraid of Fire?

There afraid because they could be caught on fire and get hurt.

Do werewolfs scare vampires?

Sometimes. Cucuy monsters (Mexican bogeymen) are also afraid of werewolves.

Are werewolves afraid of holy symbols?

Some werewolves are afraid of holy symbols but on rare occations is the moonlight is strong enough a holy symbol will not be strong enough. Simple answer NO we are not. And we prefer to be called lycans please. maybe if someone were to try beating them to death with one

What are are Buffalo's afraid of?

They are very afraid of fire.

Name something fire men could not be afraid of?

Umm fire! U cant be afraid of something you have to see and handle EVERYDAY!

Are tigers afraid of the color white?

Tigers are not afraid of the color white. They are, to the best of my knowledge afraid of fire. If you are marooned in the areas inhabited by tigers and is able to gather firewood and kindle fire around you, tigesr will approach your scene but will be repelled by the fire.

Are vampires afraid of werewolves?

This is my opinion only, but I think they are a little afraid. They don't want to show it, but like humans, we're afraid of things we don't know or understand. I think they're curious and they're a little afraid because werewolf's are just as strong as vampires, maybe even stronger.

Are the Volturi afraid of wolves?

Yes, the Volturi are cautious of werewolves because they can pose a threat to their vampire coven. However, they are not necessarily afraid of them, as they believe they are superior in power and control.

Are large animals afraid of fire?
