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They should be. As opposed to lions, tigers do live in Forests.

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Q: Are tigers the king of the jungle?
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Why tiger is called king of jungle?

Its not tigers, its lions.

IF Pigs are swine what are tigers?

tigers would be called the "king" because they own the jungle .

Why is the tiger the king of the jungle?

Tigers are not actually considered the king of the jungle, as they typically reside in forests and grasslands rather than jungles. However, they are apex predators and top of the food chain in their habitats, exhibiting strength, power, and dominance which can be associated with being a "king."

Which animal is the king of jungle?

The lion is called the "king of the jungle"but this is in error. Lions do not live in the jungle and tend to prefer the savanna. Tigers and jaguars do live in jungles and rainforests so would be more accurately credited with this title.

Are the monkeys the king of the jungle?

Generally speaking big cats, such as tigers, and panthers, and jaguars are considered king of the jungles. They eat monkeys for food.

Which is the king of the jungle the tiger or the lion?

Lions are often called the king of the jungle. which doesn't make any sense since they don't live in jungles. Lions live on mostly open grasslands. Tigers live in Forests and would fit much better as the king of the jungle.

Is the lion the real king of the jungle?

No. Lions and tigers are both great hunters and are both equal.

Is the lion the king of the cat family and the jungle?

While lions are known as the "king of the jungle," they do not live in jungles; they inhabit grasslands and savannas. Within the cat family, lions are not considered the largest; tigers hold that title. The term "king of the jungle" is often used to signify the lion's status as a powerful and dominant predator in its habitat.

How many tigers live in the jungle?

thri is 2000 tigers

Do tigers live in woods?

No, tigers live in Tiger Jungle.

What rainforest has both Tigers and Orangutans?

The one in Rudayrd Kipling's "The Jungle Book" Shere Kahn and King Louie, as I believe their names to be.

Is the parrot the king of the jungle?

NO! Lion is the king of the jungle.