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Ofcourse. Mustangs. And a couple others stringed out here and there. But most of them have been rounded up by the government, few remain wild and free.

Well technically, mustangs are feral. They came from domestic horses that the spanish brought over, and they developed into their own breed over time. The only TRUE wild horses, that did not come from once domestic stock, is the Prezwalski's horse, which is on the brink of extinction and doesn't run in America.

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15y ago

I believe Chincoteague Ponies are the only other wild horse breed in the US.

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Since now that mustangs are a breed unto themselves, all wild mustangs are the same breed.

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Q: Are there any wild horse breeds in America?
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Are there still any Przewalski horse's left in the wild?

yes! thank god! they are one of my faves horse breeds

Why should you care about wild horses?

There is only one breed of truly wild horse, the Przewalski's horse. they are one of the breeds that allowed humans to develop many of our modern horse breeds and they have lived on this plant for far longer than any human. Wild and feral horses deserve care and respect from humans, because without them modern civilization as we know it would not have been possible.

What types of horse are there in the US?

In the United States there are many different breeds of horses. Popular breeds include the Thoroughbred, the America Quarter Horse, the Appaloosa, the Paint, the Pinto, the Palomino, the Arabian, the Standardbred and the Saddlebred. Also, there are many wild mustangs in the West as well as Chincoteague ponies off the coast of North Carolina. Basically any breed of horse that exists anywhere the world is probably also in the United States.

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there is many ways to. If you want a cross all you have to do is breed the two different breeds of a horse. For ex: Arabain + any horse but not the same.

What is the length of a mustang horse?

The name mustang is used to refer to any of the free roaming or wild horses of North America. Because these horses are descended from several different breeds they may vary in length. The average length of horses is eight feet.

Did any horse breeds become extinct because of ww1?

yes the warlena horse did

Does any horse breed come from Guyana?

I don't think so. There are several breeds from South America like the Peruvian Paso but I have never heard of any particular breed from Guyana.

Do you have to have your own horse to find a wild horse on horseislecom?

No you do not have to have your own horse to find a wild horse. Wild horses are not located on any main isle i.e. one with banks, general store's, etc. but if you walk around any other isle long enough you will find a wild horse.

What breeds are crossed to create the Gelderland?

The Gelderland is a pure breed of horse and is not created by crossing any other breeds.

Do palomino horses act different when they are wild?

Horses in general do not act any certain way because of their color. A palomino horse is simply a color of horse, not a breed. In the wild, they will act the way any wild horse will act.

What type of breed is a true wild horse?

A mustang is a true wild horse, but it can be caught. They are like the true bucking bronkos if their caught and usually only experienced riders deal with them. There are not many wild breeds any more although Assateague or/and Chincoteague ponies are wild horses but they are techincally on the land of Maryland and Virginia well the state owns them. They get checked like once a year (when they have the auctions), but they mainly live on their own. Some of them do like people, but you're not supose to pet them

What is the most wild breed of horses?

There are no "most wild" breeds. There are 30 wild horses out at any time, sent out at random by the game. Not all breeds will be out at one time, and there may be more than one of a certain breed out at a time.