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Cats or dogs or any other mammals cannot pass on the tapeworms directly to the other cat, dog, etc. It has to be passed on by a Flea. The flea is called the intermediate host. The eggs are passed out in the stool of an infected animal in little segments that look like grains of rice. If the animal ate that directly, he would still not become infected. The eggs have to be ingested by the flea who then passes it on when he lands on a dog or cat and bites them. Then the cat or dog can become infected from the flea.

So that is one reason for flea protection. Use Frontline monthly or some other product that does the same thing on your cat or dog.

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12y ago

Yes, sometimes when da worm eggs are on on there fur if you stroke them and then (without washing) put your hands near your mouth then you can get them from that. :) Hope I helped ;)

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Q: Are tapeworms contagious to other cats?
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Dogs and cats get tapeworms from?

dogs and cats gett tapeworms from the infected flea they have consumed or have been bitten from

Can your other cats get pin worm from another cat?

No it is not possible because cats don't have pinworms they get feline tapeworms.

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Can diatomaceous earth be used to kill tapeworms in cats?

yes, absolutely mix the diatomaceous hearth with the milk, or water it work great to kill tapeworms in cats

Will piperazine kill tapeworms in cats?

no the methodology is entirely different.

Can cats get tapeworms from canned fish?

Any type of raw fish can give a cat tapeworms. If the fish in the can has not been cooked, then yes.

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Bacterial pneumonia may occur in both dogs and cats. It is highly contagious between dogs but cats cannot catch it from a dog.

Can small children get tapeworms from cats?

Yes they can if they play where the cat has pooped

How do cats get tapeworms if there are no fleas?

By eating infected food.

Is an upper respiratory infection contagious to other dogs?

Yes, upper respiratory infections in dogs can be contagious to other dogs, especially through close contact or sharing of items like food bowls or toys. It is important to isolate the infected dog to prevent the spread of the infection to other dogs and seek veterinary care for proper treatment.

Are tapeworms in human contagious?

try not to give raw or uncooked meat to yourself and your pet and make sure that your pet does not eat other fecal matter from other organisms.

Can humans get tapeworms?

Humans get tapeworm by not washing their hands after using the restroom or touching germy things, or others who have tapeworm. Tapeworm IS contagious.