

Are spinner dolphins dangerous

Updated: 11/14/2022
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Q: Are spinner dolphins dangerous
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How do spinner dolphins say stay away?

No spinner dolphins don't say stay away

Do spinner dolphins have enemies?

spinner dolphins enemies are cookie cutter sharks the spinner dolphins try to get away but they can't and the cookie cutter sharks take a bite out of the spinner dolphin's tail and the bite is a shape of a cookie and the spinner dolphin can't heal.

What enemies do spinner dolphins have?

spinner dolphins enemies are cookie cutter sharks the spinner dolphins try to get away but they can't and the cookie cutter sharks take a bite out of the spinner dolphin's tail and the bite is a shape of a cookie and the spinner dolphin can't heal.

How many spinner dolphins can spin in the air at one time?

They can spin with about 40-50 spinner dolphins in the air

Are the spinner dolphins endangered?


What is the spinner dolphins habitat?

that it is bad

Where are the spinner dolphins located?

In the gulf of mexico.

How do spinner dolphins react?

they react cause they care

How do spinner dolphins breathe?

They breathe through their blowhole.

How do Spinner Dolphins get their food?

The predators of the spinner dolphins are sharks and killer whales. Some other predators of the spinner dolphins are pygmy killer whales and pilot whales. As far as I know, this is correct.

Who discovered spinner dolphins?

Spinner dolphins were not discovered by a single person, as they have been known to indigenous communities in regions where they are found for centuries. However, in terms of scientific discovery and classification, spinner dolphins were officially identified by scientists in the 19th century.

How many offspring do spinner dolphins make?

spinner dolphins give offspring by only having one baby or a calf at a time.dolphins also have to wait in labor or 45 minutes to an hour