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no it can get swollen but no

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Q: Are skinny pig bites infectious
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Related questions

What infectious diseases come from animal bites?

Infectious diseases from animal bites include cat-scratch disease, tetanus and rabies

What is the difference between a hybrid skinny pig and a skinny pig?

Very skinny! Pigs are the skinniest things in the world! Skinnier than pencils!

Can a skinny pig share a cage with a guinea pig?


Is a skinny pig a rodrent?

its called a guinea pig dumbo

Should you get a skinny pig?

You should not get a skinny pig. It probrably means it's sick and has an illness. Tell the vet immediately.

What breed of guinea pig has the least amount of hair?

The Skinny Pig. Its practically bald.

What happens when a guinea pig bites it lip?

it will squeek

Can a skinny pig fit into ferret clothes?

If your pig ways between 1 and 4 lbs. maybe

How do you deal with a bad guinea pig?

By bad guinea pig do you mean it bites? A guinea pig will only bite if it feels threatened, scared or hurt.

Can you potty train a skinny pig?

Yes, but it will take a lot of work.

What are the release dates for America's Best Bites - 2013 A Pig in a Fur Coat - 1.7?

America's Best Bites - 2013 A Pig in a Fur Coat - 1.7 was released on: USA:25 May 2013

Is their a guinea pig that don't shed?

If you're looking for a guinea pig that doesn't shed, a Skinny Pig would be your best bet. They are hairless guinea pigs.