Pitbulls, no matter the bloodline, are mostly non agresive towards humans.
Pitbulls are an aggressive breed of dog and should be outlawed.
That is a red game line. You can find the Redboy and the Jocko to be from the same line of the red dogs.
pitbulls are not really mean they are a breed of dogs that are very aggressive and dominant. some dog breeds are small some large. some breeds are shy some are friendly and some are aggressive its how a pitbull was born. pitbulls can be kind and loving pets with good and friendly attention.
Two aggressive pitbulls with strong biting force can kill a wolf, and any lone wild dogs.
there are only two types of pitbulls, blue nose and red nose.
there are many non-aggressive dogs, but some aggressive ones are pitbulls, rottweilers, and Dobermans. not all dogs are aggressive and these dogs may not be as long as you treat them with care and love them. it is an instinct for dogs to bite
Pitbulls are not aggressive by nature. They are very trainable and can be trained to defend and guard. They have a horrible reputation of being aggressive that is not true.
if u train a dog to be aggresive, it will be. Otherwise; rottweilers, feisty chihuahuas, or pitbulls.
I have a bolio and he is two yrs old they are very protective and very good with my kids.
Both breeds are beautiful, but they also both are aggressive and dangerous if changed late. The akita is an amazing family dog, they care for the family so much they will hurt anyone in its family's territory. On the other hand pitbulls are very misunderstood. They are thought of as the meanest dog. Pitbulls are very aggressive with other pets but if trained well they are the most loving family pet.
No males are usually more aggressiveIt depends, all dogs are different and if the dog is aggressive it just may be because they want something or they may be defending something.Question: Are female dogs more aggressive than male dogs?Answer: Not all the time, every dog is different.