NO pibulls are bad with kids.Dont be ignorant,don't listen to the media and ignorant people.They were bred for dog aggression but if any pit bull bit their owner or showed aggression they would be killed or put out of breeding programs.
hey you just sound like the media they are only aggressive if they have to survive but in a loving home theyare very kind animals.
To the person who wrote the 1st answer you sound stupid and mis-informed. The answer is it depends on the dog. I have a pit and a two year old little boy. My boy jumps on and wrestles with our dog all the time and she does nothing but lick him. She is a family dog and the best dog we ever owned. Yes there are bad pitbulls out there just like there are bad people, but just because a handful of people or a handful of dogs do bad things is no reason to condemn a whole race of people or breed of dog. Look at Hitler and the Nazis does that mean all Germans are bad people? NO. I would say if your thinking about getting a pitbull take your time get to know the dog after your comfortable with the dog slowly introduce your children. Do not make a snap decision on getting a pitbull or any other dog for that matter before you have spent time with the dog. Don't believe all the media hype. The media only reports the negative attention grabbing headlines to get ratings. Which would draw more viewers boy gets mauled to death by pitbull or boy gets licked by pitbull? And remember if you do decide on owning a pit you have to be hyper vigilante. You will get a lot of crap from a lot of people because of a pitbulls reputation. Trust me I have been kicked out of a apartment just because my dog looks mean. So if you do get a pit it is on you the owner to make sure your dog listens and behaves just like it is on you a as parent to make sure your children listen and behave. Hopefully this helps anyone considering a pit.
The American Pit Bull Terrier was known as the "nanny dog" in the early 1900's because of their wonderful attitude and tolerance for children. That being said, NO dog should be left with a child unsupervised, as dogs can easily cause harm whether intentional or not.
YES! Pit bulls are one of the most friendly and loyal dog ever! I had one when i was a little baby, and she was the best dog ever, and yes she was a pit bull. Dont believe the lies that say that pit bulls dont love kids. You have to teach any kind of dog to be good with kids, but a pit bull is very good with kids
Edge the wwe wrestler does not have any kids.
No matter the sex, pit bulls are good with kids. The grown ups have to head of training the puppy.
Edge does not have any kids.
Edge does not have any kids but has been married twice
the bulls kid tryouts are gonna be in may 12, 2011 and its gonna be at the staples center it adults $10.00 and kids (18 and under) $5.00
He doesn't have kids
Some of the best rated scooters for kids are the Mini Micro Kick Scooter, the Razor A Kick Scooter, the Razor Wild Style Kick Scooter, the Ybike Glider Deluxe Scooter, and the Razor Cruiser Scooter.
Edge does not have any kids
NO Edge and Vickie are not really married!!!