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If they are domesticated (raised by humans), it's less likely that they will be mean to people. However, as with all domesticated animals, there is the possibility that they'll still attack people for seemingly no reason.

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12y ago
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10y ago

If you mean do they go out of their way to attack humans, then the answer is no.

But they have killed people in the past, and must be regarded as a dangerous animal.

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14y ago

Yes! If you read the paper, then you will know that somebody was grapped by one, and eaten alive!

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7y ago

No. Polar bears are carnivores and predators. They would most likely attack a human if you got too close. Especially males because they are found to be more aggressive.

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7y ago

No, they are not mean. They just do what polar bears do. Unfortunately, the polar bear is one of the few animals that includes humans on its menu of prey items.

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7y ago

They are not mean to humans and simply look on humans as a possible meal.

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