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Q: Are placental mammals in north America and marsupials in Australia examples of adaptive radiation?
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Related questions

An example of adaptive radiation is seen in?

The finches on Galapagos Islands. Marsupials provide another example.

The rapid formation of many new species as in this case is called?

Adaptive Radiation :)

What is the term for biodiversity that results from new ancestral species?

Adaptive radiation is the term for biodiversity that results from few ancestral species.

Rapid speciation under conditions in which there is little competition?

adaptive radiation

What is an adaptive zone?

An adaptive zone is an environment which allows the development of adaptive radiation.

What happens in adaptive radiation?

Adaptive radiation occurs when a single ancestral species rapidly diversifies into multiple new species, each occupying a unique ecological niche. This process is often triggered by environmental changes or the colonization of new habitats, leading to the evolution of distinct traits and adaptations in the new species to exploit different resources or environments.

Divergent evolution is also known as?

Divergent evolution is also known as adaptive radiation.

Adaptive radiation is likely to produce several to many?

Adaptive Radiation is likely to produce a cluster of species in a short period of time.

What happened after plant first became able to live on land?

Adaptive radiation spread them into many land niches

After plants moved to land what happnend?

adaptive radiation formed mant new land plant species

The wings of robins and the wings of dragonflies are examples of?

adaptive radiation

Mass extinctions create conditions that promote?

Adaptive Radiation