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Pit bulls are illegal in Malheur County, however I don't believe they are illegal anywhere else in Oregon.

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4y ago
They should be because of their  aggressive  behavior  and  attack made on children and adults. They don't  respond  well to  commandd even when trained. They are very  dangerous  dogs. 
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Q: Are pit bulls legal in Oregon?
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Are pit bulls legal in Waukegan iL?

Yes, in certain parts.

Are pit bulls legal as pets in phx AZ?

Sho Low AZ Ban on new pit bulls Luke Airforce Base AZ Confirmed Restrictions

Is it legal to breed pit bulls in new York state?

This states has the vicious dog law pertaining any breed and Millville city has a ban on pit bulls.

Are pit bulls awesome?

Of course pit bulls are awesome.

What is the collective noun for pit bull?

There is no collective noun specific to pit bulls. The collective nouns for dogs are a pack or a kennel; and a litter of puppies. These collective nouns are easily transferable to pit bulls; a pack of pit bulls, a kennel of pit bulls, a litter of pit bulls.

Do pit bulls like to exercise?

Pit Bulls love exercise

What are the Kentucky breed specific legislation laws?

AlexandriaSection: 90.22Bans: pit bulls AugustaSection: 90.22Bans: pit bulls Bracken CountyLaw articleBans: pit bulls ButlerSection: 10-BBans: pit bulls CovingtonSection: 90.09Pit bulls and wolf hybrids declared "vicious" Cresent SpringsSection: 90.30Pit bulls declared "vicious" DaytonSection: 91.24Bans: pit bulls ErlangerSection: 91.61Pit bulls and wolf hybrids declared "vicious" ElsmereSection: 90.10Bans: pit bulls FalmouthSection: 10-BBans: pit bulls FlemingsburgSection: 90.01Pit bulls declared "vicious" Fort Thomassection: 91.37Bans: pit bulls Fultonsection: 8-5Pit bulls and rottweilers declared "vicious" Lewis CountyNews articleBans: pit bulls Livingston CountyNews articleRestricts: pit bulls and rottweilers LudlowContact city officialBans: pit bulls MayfieldSection: 3-5.1Pit bulls and rottweilers declared "vicious" MaysvilleSection: 199.02Pit bulls declared "dangerous" MoreheadSection: 90.01Pit bulls declared "vicious" NewportSection: 96.40Pit bulls declared "vicious" ParisSection: 51.1Pit bulls declared "dangerous" Pendleton CountySection: 10-BBans: pit bulls SouthgateContact city officialBans: pit bulls WaltonChapter: 90.21Bans: pit bulls Union CountyCounty websiteRestricts: pit bulls and wolf hybrids

Were do pit bulls come from?

Pit bulls came from Ireland,England,Scotland & Brazil. Pit bulls Where Brought To America In The 19th Century.

What movie did the pit bulls audition for on the show pit boss?

The movie the pit bulls are auditioned for is called Wanted Dead.

Are pit bulls legal in kansas city?

Augusta KS Confirmed Banned Rotties Arkansas City KS Confirmed Banned 8 breeds: American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, Bull Mastiff, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog and the Presa Canario, known as the Canary Dog. Beloit KS unconfirmed apparently the city has reinstated a ban and did it behind closed doors so citizens couldn't protest. Bonner Springs KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Cheney KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Cherokee County KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls DeSoto KS Confirmed Banned Pit bulls Dodge City KS Confirmed Banned New Pit Bulls starting 3/2/04 EL Dorado KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Ellinwood KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Fort Scott KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Fredonia KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Garden City KS Unconfirmed Pit Bulls are restricted Garnett KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Hesston KS Confirmed Banned Rotties and Pit bulls Independence KS Confirmed Inman KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls, Rotties Jackson County KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Junction City KS Confirmed Heavy Restrictions on pit bull type dogs Kansas City KS Confirmed (1987) Banned Pit Bulls Kingman KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Leawood KS Confirmed A. Ordinance No. 1997 amending Code Sections 2-102 and 2-110, of the Code of the City of Leawood, 2000, pertaining to the Definition of Dangerous Animals, and Keeping of a Dangerous and/or Wild Animal, respectively, specifically including pit bulls [Roll Call Vote] - passed Liberal KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Lola KS Confirmed Heavy Requirments Maize KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Marysville KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls McClouth KS Confirmed McFarland KS Being Discussed Banning Breeds McPherson KS Being Discussed (12/07) Pit bulls Nickerson KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Overland Park KS Confirmed Banned pitbulls Park City KS Confirmed Banned Pit Bulls Prarie Village KS Confirmed Pittsburg KS Confirmed Restrictions on Pit Bulls Preston KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Roeland Park KS Confirmed Salina KS Confirmed Ban on New Pit bulls. Shawnee KS Confirmed Banned Pit Bulls Spring Hill KS Confirmed Banned Pit Bulls St. John KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls & Rotties Sterling KS Unconfirmed Banned Pit Bulls Tonganoxie KS Confirmed (Discussing a repeal) Topeka KS REPEALED 2010 Ulyssas KS Unconfirmed Banned pit bulls & Akitas Wichita KS Being discussed (01/09) to ban pit bulls Wilson KS Banned pit bulls and mixes (12/08) Wyandotte County KS Confirmed (the unified government here has passe BSL, but some cities within the county do not have it.) Banned Pit Bulls