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Penguins are not mammals; they are birds.

The only mammals which lay eggs are the platypus and the echidna, which are classified as monotremes. They are still mammals because they feed their young on mothers' milk - a characteristic unique to mammals alone.

The platypus and short-beaked echidna (sometimes called spiny anteater) are both endemic to Australia and the long-beaked echidna is native to New Guinea.

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Q: Are penguins the only mammals that lay eggs?
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Are penguins mammles?

No penguins are not mammals. They lay eggs.

If platypuses are the only mammals to lay eggs how can penguins lay eggs?

Penguins are not mammals. They are referred to as flightless birds. Therefore, they are egg laying. It is also not true that platypuses are the only mammals to lay eggs. Echidnas (both the short beaked and the long beaked variety), like platypuses, are also monotremes, i.e. egg-laying mammals.

Are penquins mammals?

Penguins are not mammals, but they are birds. Penguins lay eggs, they do not have fur and they do not nurse their young as mammals do.

Do penguins lay eggs and are they mammals?

Penguins lay eggs, but they are not mammals. They are birds. The only two egg-laying mammals in existence are the platypusand the echidna, which are classed as monotremes.They are still classified as mammals because they feed their young on mothers' milk - a characteristic unique to mammals alone.

Why penguins are not mammals?

Penguins are not mammals because they lay eggs, are warm blooded, the babys don't drink milk and they have feathers not fur.

Are penguins reptiles or mammals?

penguins are neither mammals or reptiles. penguins lay eggs.

Does the walrus lay eggs?

No, it is a mammal that does not lay eggs.

Do white rhinos lay eggs?

No. Rabbits do not lay eggs. They are placental mammals. The only mammals which lay eggs are the monotremes, which include the platypus and the echidna.

Are penguin a bird or a mammal?

Mammals are warm blooded, bear live young, nurse their young, and have hair (of some sort ) at least at some time in their lives. Penguins are animals, BUT not mammals. They are birds, although they swim rather than fly. Birds have feathers (although the penguins' are furry-like in feel) and lay eggs. Like mammals, birds have a backbone and are warm-blooded. Some mammals do lay eggs, like the Platypus, or the spiny echidna. But most bear live young.

Are Adelie penguins mammals?

No they are not mammals, they are actually birds. Because they lay eggs and are cold-bloded.

Are penuins Mammals?

NO! They are birds! Mammals give birth to live babies. Penguins lay eggs. Mammals are warm blooded. Penguins are cold blooded (bird).

Which group does penguin belong birds or mammals?

birds. penguins arent mammals bcuz they lay eggs and mammals dont.