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All we know is what we have seen them do. Since 1981 there have been at least seven or eight sightings of female Sumatran orangs eating smaller primates, and in three cases the researchers saw the orangs actually catch their prey. There isn't enough data to figure out whether this is a typical female behavior or whether something else was going on.

The primate order is an insectivorous order, though, generally speaking. So eating meat is not much of a stretch from that.

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13y ago
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11y ago

orangutans are primary consumers because they eat plants

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13y ago

yes, they eat fruit and veg

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yes yes they can

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11y ago

Yes, they almost never leave the trees.

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Q: Are orangutans arboreal
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Why are orangutans considered to be arboreal?

Because they spend a lot of time in trees.

While new world monkeys have prehensile tails to aid in moving from tree orangutans do not what adaptation do orangutans have that facilitate their partially arboreal lifestyle?

Adaptations of orangutans that have facilitated their partially arboreal lifestyle include hook-like hands, and hip and shoulder joints that are highly flexible. Another example is their long forelimbs.

Do orangatangs live in the tropical rainforests?

Yes, orangutans are native to the tropical rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra in Southeast Asia. They are known for their arboreal lifestyle, spending most of their time in the trees.

What habitat do orangutans have?

Orangutans are native to Sumatra and Borneo (in Indonesia), and some on Malaysia.they live on borneo and sumtra

Where do arangutans live?

Orangutans are native to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra in Southeast Asia. They primarily inhabit the trees and are known for their arboreal lifestyle. Due to deforestation and habitat loss, their populations are decreasing.

Can you use arboreal in a sentence?

Yes,We can use arboreal in sentence. Monkey is a arboreal animal.

Orangutans how do orangutans move?

"swing from branch to branch which is called brachiation. They are the largest arboreal animal and almost never go to the ground in the wild." Except to mate , defecate , conduct social behavior. Also the two separate species behave differently ie sumatrun oranutans are the permanent tree dwellers and this can be seen by their even longer arms and fingers

What is arboreal food chain?

arboreal food chain

Are marsupials semi-arboreal?

No. Very few marsupials are semi-arboreal. The Brushtail possum is considered semi-arboreal.

What is arboreal animals?

An arboreal snake is one that dwells primarily in trees.monkey

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What is a group of orangutans called?

A group of orangutans is called a "charming" or a "band."