

Are old English sheep dogs dumb?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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14y ago

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No way, they're very clever!

They know as much as a nine year old which is quite good for dog standards.

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Q: Are old English sheep dogs dumb?
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What is the name of the dog like a sheep dog?

I think you're talking about Old English sheep dogs.

Are old English sheep dog bad for people with asthma?

yes old English sheep dogs do not go with asthma only because they slaver i have two English sheep dogs and my little boy has asthma i have to get rid of one because my boy is suffering . they are not as bad as some dog can be but are still bad one of the worst dogs with asthma a lab doodle and a Labrador . one would not be to bad but two is something Else but really old English seep dogs are the best.

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the king of all dogs has GOT to be the 'Old English Sheep Dog' There Big their Tough and every one has a different Personality!

What size can sheep dogs grow up too?

Most sheep dogs grow to be medium to large depending on the breed of sheep dog. Some, like corgis, are relatively small (they weigh anywhere from 25 to 30 lbs) and others, like beaucerons or Old English Sheepdogs, are large (they can weigh close to 100 lbs.)

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It is an Old English Sheep Dog.

What kind of dogs become sheep dogs?

Herding dogs are the type of dogs that are commonly used as sheep dogs. Breeds such as Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, and German Shepherds are often trained to work with and manage sheep. These dogs have a strong instinct for herding and excel in controlling the movement of livestock.

What kind of dog starts with o?

otterhound old English sheep dog old English bulldog

Which animal got an English name first?

This must be the Old English Sheep dog..

Name 2 dogs that are used as sheepherding dogs?

Border Collie and Old English Sheep Dog (then theres the Australian Shepherd, Bearded Collie, Rough Collie, Smooth Collie, Shetland Sheepdog, Picardy Shepherd, German Shepherd, Puli, and a bunch more herding dogs :])

What is the female version of sheep mean?

An adult female sheep is called a ewe. Ewe comes from the old English word eowu

What is the word for a quarter of an acre?

It's a "Fold" from the Old English for a sheep pen

How do old English sheepdogs sleep?

old English sheepdogs can sleep anywhere, like any other breed. Do not i repeat do not think that these breeds should not be treated well!i love these breeds! They are adorable.if you are a person who judges, i got 2 things to say to you!1. treat others the way you want to be treatedand...2. DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!