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Numbats can only be found in eucalyptus bushland of southwest Western Australia. This bushland also needs a certain amount of grassy understorey. They prefer habitat dominated by Wandoo, a type of eucalyptus. This habitat has been under threat since European settlement - mostly from agriculture, land-clearing and changed fire regimes.

Numbats used to be found across southern Australia. Now, due to the loss of their habitat, they are limited to the southwestern corner of Western Australia. Much of this is prime farming land.

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Q: Are numbats' habitat in destruction
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How do numbats die?

Numbats are most prone to being killed by non-native predators such as foxes and feral cats. As more of their habitat is cleared due to agriculture, there are fewer hiding places for numbats. Numbats are also vulnerable to bushfires. Bushfires are more likely to occur due to changed fire regimes resulting from European settlement. Bushfires destroy the numbats' habitat, including the logs in which it shelters. Numbats are not fast-moving creatures, and they cannot escape bushfires, which can move very quickly.

What impacts do humans have on numbats?

The biggest impact on numbats by humans has been the introduction of predatory species such as foxes, feral cats and wild dogs. These animals have had a serious effect on the numbats' population, as numbats are small and quite defenceless. Habitat loss has resulted from humans clearing land for agricultural purposes.

Why are numbats threatened?

Numbats are in a worse position than being threatened - they are officially endangered. The primary cause of numbats being endangered is the introduction of non-native species to Australia. Introduced species such as foxes, and feral cats and dogs, pose a considerable threat to the numbat. It is a small, quite defenceless creature, only able to protect itself by hiding in hollow logs. Another reason is habitat loss. Their habitat has been cleared for industry, agriculture and expanding human habitation. Bushfires and changed fire regimes have also contributed to the numbats' endangerment. Bushfires destroy the numbats' habitat, including the logs in which it shelters. Numbats are not fast-moving creatures, and they cannot escape bushfires, which can move very quickly.

How do you use habitat destruction in a sentence?

The construction of the new highway caused habitat destruction, leading to the displacement of many species of animals and plants.

How do you prevent habitat destruction?

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Are numbats camouflaged?

Yes. The stripes on the numbat's back and across its eyes help it to camouflage effectively in its bushland habitat.

Why are numbats only in Western Australia now?

Numbats are in a worse position than being threatened - they are officially endangered. The primary cause of numbats being restricted to just Western Australia is largely because of the introduction of non-native species to Australia in settled areas of southern Australia. Introduced species such as foxes, and feral cats and dogs, caused the loss of huge numbers of numbats. It is a small, quite defenceless creature, only able to protect itself by hiding in hollow logs. Another reason is habitat loss. Their habitat has been cleared for industry, agriculture and expanding human habitation throughout their former range of southern Australia. Bushfires and changed fire regimes have also contributed to the numbats' endangerment. Bushfires destroy the numbats' habitat, including the logs in which it shelters. Numbats are not fast-moving creatures, and they cannot escape bushfires, which can move very quickly.

Are Numbats victims of deforestation?

Very much so. Numbats are endangered creatures, partly because of habitat loss as a result of land clearing due to the spread of agriculture. There are other factors leading to their endangerment (such as the introduction of feral predators such as dogs, cats and foxes) but habitat loss plays a major part.

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Habitat destruction

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Which does not result in habitat destruction?

Things that do not result in habitat destruction are taking care of the environment. This can be not cutting down trees or destroying grasslands.