Yes. Walruses still exist and can be found both in the wild and in captivity.
over 9000!
They are not badly endangered (as many believe), and there are about 2500-4000 left this year.
born alive not an egg..... a egg would sink
Luckily, narwhals are not yet endangered, although it is still illegal to hunt them. For more information do a Google search, there is loads of help there :)
Nah, there use narwhals now.
They are hunter-gathers and still hunt for their food. They build their own shelters as well.
still alive still alive still alive
YES! well and alive
no, he is still alive he is done being our president but he is still alive
Yes Gabriele Stilton is still alive Yes Gabriele Stilton is still alive Yes Gabriele Stilton is still alive
she is still alive right know she is very old
there is still a posiblility that he is still alive