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Yes. Male tortishell cats are rare

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Q: Are male tortieshell cats rare
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Related questions

Are male calico cats rare?

so rare they are almost nonexistent.

What is the percentage of how rare a male calico cat is?

There is no official data as to the percentage of black cats in the world. There are millions of black cats in every country.

Are calico male cats rare because of there color?

yes sir

Why are Male Tortoise Shell Cats and Ginger Female Cats so Rare and Expensive?

Male torties are rare because genetically, it's nearly impossible to be presented with a male this color. Since it is so incredibly rare, they are valuable. Anything rare/uncommon has added value. Male torties most likely are XXY instead of XY. This is due to the colour in cats being in the female (X) Chromosome. Male Torties are usually sterile, but even if it wasn't it would only pass on 1 (of its X's) X or Y Chromosome.

Are dilute calico cats rare?

No, calico cats are pretty common. It is very rare to see a male calico cat, especially one that is full-grown, because almost all male calicos have genetic defects that kill them as kittens. Because of this, adult male calicos are incredibly valuable and have sold for thousands of dollars or more.

How can you tell if your Calico Cat is male?

There is no such thing as a male calico cat and a male cats behind would be sticking out and a girls behind wouldn't have anything sticking out. --- Calico males are extremely rare, so it is safe to assume your calicoes are all female.

How rare is a torby cat?

A torby cat, which is a tortoiseshell and tabby mix, is not very common but not extremely rare either. The unique combination of both tortoiseshell and tabby coat patterns can give torby cats a distinctive and beautiful appearance. They are sought after by some cat enthusiasts for their unique coloring.

Are there such things as boy cats?

As in cats that are male? Yes, cats can be male or female.

Do Female cats shed more then male cats?

yes female cats shed more then male cats

Where could one get a Male calico cat?

Although male calico cats are very rare and difficult to find (1 in 3000 chance), it is possible that shelters, breeders, or adoption services offer them.

Do male cats feel threatened by neutered male cats?


Can cats have one baby?

cats can but it is super rare.same with dogs it is also super rare they can have up to 12 13 would be rare to but not that rare.