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Koala joeys are unable to see for the first couple of months of their life.

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10y ago

Like almost all marsupials (except for the marsupial mole), koalas see quite effectively with their eyes.

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12y ago

No. Koalas are marsupials and, like all marsupials, and very undeveloped when they are horn. Their eyes are fused tightly shut.

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Q: Are koalas born with their eyes open?
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When the baby koala is born it is born blind so how long until they can see?

Koalas are born with their eyes fused shut. They only open their eyes from about 22 weeks.

What color eyes do koalas have?

Koalas have brown eyes (not yellow as is sometimes reported). They are born with a slightly blue tinge, but this tends to fade as they get older. An exception to this is a joey born at one of Australia's theme parks, Dreamworld, named Logan, but nicknamed "Frankie" for his intense blue eyes.

What do koalas eyes do?

Koalas have brown eyes (not yellow as is sometimes reported). They are born with a slightly blue tinge, but this tends to fade as they get older. An exception to this is a joey born at one of Australia's theme parks, Dreamworld, named Logan, but nicknamed "Frankie" for his intense blue eyes.

Are giraffes born with their eyes open?

yes all Giraffes are born with there eyes open

When kittens are born their eyes and ears are closed what are their eyes when they open?

They remain eyes once they open!!

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Yes, it is very unusual for a mouse to be born with its eyes open. Most small mammals are born with their eyes closed.

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not all babys are born with their eyes open ,my mom said i was born with my eyes closed and they did not open for 3 days.

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Are pigs born with eyes open or shut?

they are born with there eyes shut

Are all human babies born with their eyes closed?

not all babys are born with their eyes open ,my mom said i was born with my eyes closed and they did not open for 3 days.

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born with there eyes open

When do guinea pigs open there eyes?

They open there eyes once born . Good luck