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because when humans developed the ability to speak they started to communicate

and they built these little houses rather than live in trees. they learned after a long, long, long, long, long, time they could make technology and better houses. no animal could ever do that, so the human was considered to be the smartest animals on earth.

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Manley Wehner

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3y ago
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13y ago

Monkeys are actually as smart as human beings! It's because monkeys can open stuff just like us. For example monkeys can actually open there on yogurt container! If you want proof then go to the zoo look for any type of monkey during feeding time!

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13y ago

The real question is how smart can a human be. We are very smart some of us are not as smart

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13y ago

it isn't ! monkeys are kinda smart too you know!!!

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Because it has the largest brain capable of reasoning.

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Q: Are humans the smartest animals on Earth?
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You humans are, of course. Do you take this as an insult? I don't mean it as such, But you are definitely the smartest animals on this life-filled planet.

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Whats the smartest animal on earth?

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