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no hippos are not poisonous. hippos are herbaviors and DO NOT eat meat. the reason many people have heard about hippos killing people is because the people were either hunting, messing with, or hurting the animals. they also could have entered the hippos terrotory

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15y ago
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8y ago

Hippos have a huge mouth that can open real wide. and a couple of foot-long teeth. They can chomp straight through a human with ease. Should you survive that, they could do lethal damage by grasping you and shaking you.

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12y ago

Yes. Hippo's are actually the most dangerous mammals in the continent of Africa, far more dangerous than elephants, rhinos, lions, buffalo or even crocodiles.

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14y ago

they can trample them,snap them in half, or gore them to death. cute and deadly :)

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15y ago

Quite deadly, deadlier than pythons, but not as deadly as a malaria musquito.

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The Hippos was created in 1995.

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Yes they do. Hippos are vertebrates.

When did Hippos end?

Hippos ended in 749.

Are there hippos in togo?

Yes, there are hippos in Togo.