I also have extreme guinea pig Allergies, never had to go to the hospital tho. But first off I got a strong prescription antihistamine, and I got nasel spray and an inhaler. Second when I hold my guinea pigs I have a "piggy bathrobe" that i only wear when holding the pigs, it covers all my skin so I don't get itch. I also wear a dust mask when I hold them, at first I had to wear two but I now only wear one because I've kind of started to build up an immunity to the piggies (I've always been alergic to them) I now use fleece bedding too because I think the bedding somewhat adgitated my allergies because it was dusty. I fill up the hay outside now too using a rubber glove (the hay makes my hand itch) and wearing two masks too because the hay makes me wheeze terribly. Wash your hands alot. I've found that bathing the piggies doesn't help with allergies either tho. There is also Allerpet-C solution that you can order on line that is supposed to help with allergies but I didn't find it to help much...
Okay...big list. Are you ready?
amoxicillin (Clavamox)
cephalexin * (derivative: Cefadroxil)
aloe vera
cedar shavings
pine bedding
iceburg lettuce
People can be allergic to anything.
Yes, it's possible for any organism to have an allergic reaction to practically anything.
No, people can be allergic to guinea pigs too.
Guinea Pigs.
Yes, there is. It is called immunotherapy.First make sure that you are indeed allergic specifically to guinea pigs, then consult your physician and allergist for further steps.
As far as I know, guinea pigs do not revolve anything.
If you are allergic to guinea pigs, you should never ever be near them, because if a sick person is around a guinea pig then that little guinea pig can get very sick.
Remove the guinea pigs.
Grapes don't kill guinea pigs. my guinea pigs love them and have been having them for ages. although some guineas may be allergic to them but that doesn't usually happen
Some guinea pigs are allergic to some foods, however guinea pigs as a species are not particularly allergic to anything.
Because guinea pigs are allergic to pine and cedar, it can hurt their lungs when they inhale it and cause upper respiratory problems... something like "guinea pig asthma"