most wolves are harmful and that does include gray wolves
gray wolves are mammals who give birth
how baby gray wolves protected
Gray wolves, the species of wolves we have in the U.S., are a shade of gray, white, or black.
then can be grey, white, or black. white wolves in the arctic are known as arctic wolves and white wolves and black wolves in forest are known as grey wolves...although some people might say white wolf or black wolf. Yeah what eva. They are wait i know this ...what colour are gray wol..oh GRAY wolves! smart one
Gray wolves are the species Canis lupus.
Gray wolves live in the upper region of Michigan.
They are regular.
There is no specific collective noun for gray wolves. The collective nouns for wolves are a herd of wolves, a pack of wolves, or a rout of wolves.
Wolves are very social, so yes, they do.
There are approximately 5000 gray wolves that are left in the wild.
No, but gray wolves may eat a red fox.