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The name would suggest that French Bulldogs come from France. This is not true their patronage may be french but their actual country of origin is England.

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NOTHING like, check the differences out.

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Q: Are french bull dogs aggressive
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Other French Bull Dogs.

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i have a bull mastiff x french mastiff and she as got webbed paws

Do french bull dogs give birth natural?

of course. French bull dogs give birth naturally like a spring cockatoo bird gives birth to chimpanzees. I believe that if you give a french bull dog some false unicorn it speeds up the process of the pregnancy and birthing session of the dog.

Why do you own a Staffie when they are aggressive with other dogs?

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are no more aggressive as a breed than any other dog. It all comes down to the owners and how they are brought up! I have 16 month old who is great with other dogs and children.

What are aggressive dogs?

there are many non-aggressive dogs, but some aggressive ones are pitbulls, rottweilers, and Dobermans. not all dogs are aggressive and these dogs may not be as long as you treat them with care and love them. it is an instinct for dogs to bite

Can a dog be aggressive?

The answer is yes dogs can be aggressive, but some dogs when their puppy's can be trained not to be so aggressive.

Which is the most aggressive dog?

The most aggressive dogs are Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, and German Sheppard's All three of these dogs made the list of the top 10 dogs that bite people. Looking at each of these dogs its understandable why each is so aggressive. The Rottweiler was bred to be a very aggressive/possessive guard-dog. The Pit Bull was bred to attack and kill the other dog in the sport of dog fighting. And, lastly the German Sheppard was taken advantage of during World War 2 by Hitler. He used the dog as an aggressive war dog and consequently caused the breed to become over-ally more aggressive.

Are certain breeds of dogs more aggressive towards children?

There are many breeds of dogs that are known for being the least aggressive towards children. Some of the best dogs for children are the bull dog, beagle, Vizsla, poodle, and the golden retriever.

Do pit bull get aggressive after you clip the ears?

Clipping a pit bull's ears does not inherently make them more aggressive. Aggression in dogs can be influenced by a variety of factors such as genetics, training, socialization, and past experiences. It is important to provide proper care, training, and socialization to prevent any aggressive behavior.

Why do staffies attack greyhounds?

Staffordshire Bull Terriers do NOT attack dogs of any breed without being provoked, either by the other dog or by their owner. It is important to note that any breed of dog can become dog aggressive, as most Staffordshire Bull Terriers are amazing with people and other dogs alike. Please don't over generalise, remember that not all Staffies are aggressive - most aren't!