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no not at all. its just like any other pet you have, if you take care of it then you are doing nothing illegal

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Ferrets are legal in Dallas Tx

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Q: Can you buy a ferret in Texas?
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Is it legal to own a ferret in Greenville Texas?

Ferrets are legal to own in Texas

Should you buy the Webkinz signature fox or the Webkinz ferret?

the ferret is so cool

Where can you buy a ferret from in Britain?

Try a ferret rescue, most rescues can put you in touch with one.

Where do you keep a ferret?

In a ferret cage. You can buy them at pet stores and a starter kit to help you out. Hope that helps!

Is there any way I can own a ferret in Dallas Texas?

Ferrets are legal to own in Dallas, TX. There is a ferret shelter called Texas Ferret Lovers Rescue in Balch Springs, which is a suburb of Dallas, and they usually have plenty of ferrets needing adoption. As of today (06/01/2010) they have a total of 24 ferrets needing to be adopted

Were can you buy a baby ferret in Sacramento ca?

you can not own ferrets in California, so you can not buy them there either.

Where can you buy a ferret in tweed heads?

I have no idea where in the world Tweed Heads is.

Where is the best store to buy ferrets?

The cheapest place to buy ferret food is probably Walmart. Cheap ferret food can be harmful to your ferret's health. It's cheap for a reason (cheap ingredients, fillers, etc) A good quality ferret food would ensure your ferrets good health to avoid expensive veterinary bills later.

Should I buy the Webkinz signature fox or the Webkinz ferret?

signature fox definitly

Can you still get a ferret in California?

You cannot buy one legally in California. You may buy one in Nevada and sneak it past Agriculture..

What is a ferret kit?

A Ferret kit is a baby Ferret.

Are ferrets legal in Odessa Texas are planning on moving there soon but won't if they cannot come with?

Ferrets are legal in Texas. Please check with the city of Odessa and ask if a license is needed for your ferret.