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They actually seem to see pretty well at night, and seem to have no problem getting around in the dark. If they are outside, they tend to travel further during a full moon, but, even during a new moon or a night with heavy cloud cover, they move around.

Also, if you are looking for one at night, and accidently shine your flashlight in their eyes, they tend to squint and shy away--much like I would if someone shined a flashlight in my eye.

If they are in the barn, instead of outside at night, and you turn in the lights on to give them a snack, you can tell it takes them a few minutes to adjust--same thing when you turn the lights off...they tend to be still for a few minutes as their eyes adjust, and then they are back to roaming around, checking in friends, and munching on whatever snack (hay) hiya just gave 'em.

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Q: Are elephants night blind
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