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No not at all. Elephants may appear evil when they ruin crops or kill farmers but they are doing these things out of a need for food or out of fear that turns into aggression.

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Florine Wiza

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Q: Are elephants evil
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How many elephants are their in a toilet?

their are 2 types of elephants. Their are African elephants and Asian elephants too.

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A dozen equals twelve and if you change it to a dozen elephants you are saying 12 elephants the answer is twelve elephants.

Are afrian elephants the largest than Asian elephants?

African elephants are larger than Asian elephants.

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Elephants do not eat giraffes because elephants do not eat meat. Elephants are herbivores.

What are two need that elephants must meet?

elephants need water2. elephants need food3. elephants need airThis is what elephants need to survive.

Is it called group of elephants or heard of elephants?

Elephants travel as herds.

What does poaching do to elephants?

The poaching of elephants, unless prevented and the elephants protected, would eventually drive the elephants to extinction.

Can elelphants jump?

Big elephants can but little elephants never ever can Big elephants can but little elephants never ever can

Are elephants carnavores?

No, elephants are herbivores.

Are elephants invertebrate?

No elephants have a backbone