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that matter on how you treat the dolphin and if it is wild or trained but they are pretty nice

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Q: Are dolphins the kindest animal in the sea?
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What is another word for a dolphins?

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Which animals swims backward?

It is my favorite sea animal! DOLPHINS:) :) :)

Can you get blue dolphins?

you get the blue dolphin in the sea animal pack

Does a sea animal have hair?

All mammals have hair. For example, whales, seals, and dolphins.

What type of animal is a dolphins?

Dolphins are marine (sea-dwelling) mammals - they breath air, and give birth to live young.

Examples of aquatic animal?

Fish,Prawns,Crabs,Sea-horse,Sea-lion,Sea-cow,Seal, Dolphins,Sharks,Manatee

What animal interacts with more than one different species?

Dolphins in the sea, and dogs on land. They are both very social animals, dolphins in particular.

Why dolphins considered as the second cleverest animal?

Read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 1. Humans think dolphins are the second cleverest to humans as humans work, build etc. whilst dolphins play in the sea 2. Dolphins think Humanss are the second cleverest to dolphins for the same reason!(as humans work, build etc. whilst dolphins play in the sea)

What animal lives in water but does not have gills like fish?

Whales, dolphins, people, polar bears, penguins, seals and sea otters are among the more common NON-fish swimming in the sea

Do dolphins have their babies offshore or out to sea?

dolphins have their babies out at sea

Do dolphins live in the sea?

Yes, dolphins live in the sea.