Yes. Because a dolphin is a dolphin no matter what happens.
Yes, all dolphins are mammals because they meet the five requirements of mammals:
# All mammals have a backbone (vertebrates)
Dolphins have a backbone
# All mammals have hair at one point in their life
Dolphins have a mustache when they are born
# All mammals breathe air
Dolphins must surface periodically to breathe
# All mammals produce milk to feed their young
A female dolphin's mammary glands are located on either side of the genital slit
# All mammals are warm blooded
Dolphins generate their own heat This is a general fact - no one ever really "found this out."
a dolphin is a marine mammal that lives in open water in the ocean.
A dolphin is a (marine) mammal. I could see why you may have thought amphibian, however an amphibian is more of a frog/lizard species.
No, they are not. Dolphins are a mammal, and sharks are not.
Whales and dolphins are Cetaceans..
dolphins are a type of fish
Dolphins are members of the whales' mammal group
Dolphins are in the class Mammalia.
No, it is a mammal