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Q: Are dash hounds good dogs to have?
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Are Hounds good dogs?

i think they are they help hunters with their work

Are Afghan Hounds good show dogs?

they could be trained to be.

What are coon hounds?


What dog runs the fastest out of bernise mountain dogs and grey hounds?

Grey hounds

Can fox hounds be police dogs?


Did the egytptians have dogs?

Yes. Ancient Egyptians had dogs and used them to hunt with. Drawings of these dogs have been found from that time in Egypt. They resemble today's sight hounds such as the Ibizan, and Pharaoh hounds.

Why did billie choose old dan and little ann for his dogs?

because he thinks there fine good coon haunting hounds

What are the dogs that have really long ears?

Bassett Hounds

Which breeds of dogs are meant to howl?

All dogs can howl but mostly hounds are sopposed to.

What are the gabrielle hounds?

Dogs who foretold death was coming to someone.

Do basset hounds fart?

All breeds of Dogs fart.

What is Helping Hounds?

Helping Hounds is a dog rescue for beagles and other breeds. They take dogs from everywhere in the country you can volunteer or adopt.