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More than likely they are scared of everything.

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Q: Are coyotes scared of fireworks
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Do coyotes crawl?

When they are scared or are sneaking up on something

What is the human impact on coyotes?

well coyotes are more scared of people than we are of coyotes and no they don't kill or eat people

Why am I so scared of coyotes?

You or humans are very scared of coyotes because coyotes have sharp teeth and claws! They can also run very fast and maybe because humans are afraid of dying and what to live your life!

What is the name of a child's book about a great dane dog that is scared of the coyotes across the fence?

Watchdog and the Coyotes

What is it called when you are scared of coyotes?

The fear of coyotes is called agrizoophobia. This is a fear of wild animals and can be the name for many different animal fears.

What are coyotes scared of?

Coyotes are typically cautious animals and may be scared of loud noises, bright lights, or sudden movements. They may also avoid confrontations with larger animals or humans. However, their fear response can vary depending on the situation.

Do animals get scard esey?

Animals do get scared. One such animal is the pigeon. When you are close to them, they fly away. Dogs and cats also get scared. Most cats are scared of water. Some dogs are scared of fireworks.

What would cause thousands of black birds to fall to their death?

Fireworks scared/killed some of the birds. The scared ones ran into houses... etc.

What are goats afraid of?

Sheep are scared of a lot of things. Sheep are particularly scared of predators like sneaky wolves and hungry coyotes.

Would a young child watch a breathtaking fireworks display in wonderment?

No, the child is to young. They would get scared by the loud noise.

How does social implications effect fireworks?

social implications on fireworks are because of the noise they produce. i am a pyrotechnician in Scotland, and we are always having complaints about the noise. so much that last year a councilor complained that we scared her dog so we had to have a silent show for our local guy Fawkes night, completely destroying the effect of the fireworks.

What is Selena Gomez afraid of?

the ocean and walking in high heels bacause she says shes a klutzspiters