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No breed of dog is good for people who are allergic to dog dander.

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Q: Are chow chows a good dog for people with allergies?
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What are good watchdogs?

Chow Chows

Are chow mix with lab good dog?

yes they are. Definitely great guard dogs but u need to train them well because chows can be very protective of their home and weiry of strangers or new people

Are chow mixs labs good dogs?

yes they are. Definitely great guard dogs but u need to train them well because chows can be very protective of their home and weiry of strangers or new people

How long do chow chow dogs live?

Chow Chow dogs can live to the average of 15 years, but with good genes and good veterinary care some Chow Chows can live longer.The average life expectancy for a healthy Chow Chow is 11-12 years

Do Chow Chows have a mean personality What is their personality like?

They do not have "mean" personalities. Like all dogs, they require proper training and good socialization, and with that are wonderful dogs. No dog is exactly alike, but Chows are incredibly loyal and generally bond to one person as their "favorite".

What does a chow eat?

Chow chows are a breed of dog and their diet usually consists of high-quality commercial dog food or a balanced homemade diet. They may also enjoy small amounts of fruits and vegetables as treats. It's important to consult a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations tailored to your chow chow's individual needs.

Are chow cHow is good with kids?

Yes they are good with children, but have a tendency to make a chow nervous, therefore not a good candidate for homes with small children. They are usually a one family dog and would not be very good around other children in the neighborhood

Are Chow Chows easy to train?

A chihuahua is like most dogs...takes time and patience to train them. I've found through my 7 year old chihuahua that she was quite easy to potty train...used a lot of positive reinforcement. When she peed where I wanted her to go, I gave her plenty of "good girls"...and at the age of 7 I still do that. Make it a happy and exciting experience for your puppy and they'll do whatever you want or need them to do. A chihuahua lives to please it's owner...they learn fairly quickly if given the right guidance.

Are Saluki dogs a good choice for people with allergies?

A Saluki Dog is a good choice for people with allergies. This breed of dog does suffer from allergies themselves.

Are Italian Greyhounds a good choice for people with allergies?

Yes, the Italian Greyhounds are a good choice for people with allergies.

What does a beagle chow mix dog look like?

There is no correct answer for this one. You could say somewhere between the lab and chow, but I've seen many mixes that looked like pure bread animals. Sometimes only an experienced person can really tell, and to be honest, a mixed breed can (sometimes) make a better pet (The breeders will hate me for that one). 30+ years with chow chows has taught me that Chows can be very hard headed and mean (protective) animals. Mixing with a lab can produce many good qualities. You can train a chow to fetch your neighbors dog a lot quicker than a ball.

Do chow chows make good guard dogs?

Any dog can be trained to protect and guard. Even a Chihuahua can make an excellent deterrent, if a noisy alert is what's called for. The Chow Chow breed is generally independent and aloof, watchful towards strangers, and territorial. These can be seen as positive attributes in a guard dog temperament. That said, training a Chow can be quite a challenge to train. The breed usually requires an experienced leader, and is not a breed for the first-time dog owner.