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Cheetahs are sometimes kept as pets, and ancient Egyptians often had them.

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Q: Are cheetahs pets in Egypt
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Related questions

Can cheetahs be tamed like house pets?

Cheetahs are wild animals that have specific needs and instincts which makes challenging to keep as a pet but with the right needs meet them you can keep them as pets

Are cheetahs illegal as pets in California?

Pet cheetahs are illegal in California. (See related link below for more information.)

Are there wild cheetahs in Egypt?

No, while the cheetah formerly lived in much of Egypt, it has now been extirpated from that country.

Are African cheetahs aggressive or passive?

They are very gentle creatures. That's one reason why they make good pets!

How did cats became pets?

All pets are domesticated creatures, so they are able to live in a home with humans which we call pets, cats first were pets and domesticated in Egypt and people would smuggle them out of Egypt and that is how there are cats all over the world.

Are cheetahs used by humans?

Yes, cheetahs have been used to hunt with in the past and still today in some parts of the world. they have also been kept as pets. Neither of these activities are widely exercised today however.

Are cats from Scotland?

Cats were first domesticated and became pets in Egypt.

What kind of pets did children living in Ancient Egypt keep?

people in ancient Egypt had cats because they thought they were magic

What pets did people in ancient Egypt keep?

I thought they had cats. They certainly worshiped them.

Did people have pets in ancient Egypt?

Yes. They had cats and dogs. The main people who would probably have many pets would be the pharoe's wife.

What mammal was probably the first ever tamed and used as pets?

cats in ancient Egypt

How do Egyptians feed their pets?

Egyptians feed their pets with food. Cats were typically not fed in Ancient Egypt because they would be expected to hunt the rats that were common in larger houses.