The official breed of the feline is not entirely related to this species of aquatic mammals. But another unoffical type of feline is called the cat fish which swims in the same environment as the whale. The official breed of the feline is not entirely related to this species of aquatic mammals. But another unoffical type of feline is called the cat fish which swims in the same environment as the whale.
Cats and dogs are more closely related than cats and rats.
A cat is the species most closely related to humans. Cats and human are both endothermic mammals. Although most whales are also mammals, cats and humans have the most traits in common.
Whales are related to the even-toed hoofed mammals. Whales are most closely related to modern hippos, and should share a common ancestor with them.
Cats and lions are most closely related. The taxonomical similarities between cats and dogs end at the family which is Carnivora for both. After that, they go their separate ways.
Dolphins are mammals closely related to whales and sea cows. They are also related to hippos (but not as closely).
Cheetahs are most closely related to the cougar and jaguarundi.
All wild cats are in the same family, felidae, so are related. Those in the same genus, panthera, are even more closely related.
The land animal which is most closely related to whales is the hippopotamus.
No, a fossa is not a cat. The fossa is a carnivorous mammal that is native to Madagascar. It is more closely related to members of the mongoose family than to cats.
Humans are most closely related to chimpanzees.
No, unless we are speaking in evolutionarily historical terms.Both domestic cats (Felis catus), and species of foxes (in the family Canidae) are in the Mammalian order Carnivora. They are in different suborders and families, so while they no doubt share some percentage of their genome, there is no useful relationship to speak of beyond the evolutionary context.
The plant most closely related to the ginkgo is the conifers.