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No, cashews and walnuts are tree nuts. Peanuts grow underground and are legumes.

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Q: Are cashews walnuts and peanuts in the same family of nuts?
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What sort of nuts are there?

pine nuts,hazelnuts,cashews,brazil nuts,peanuts,almonds,walnuts

Does a can of mixed nuts contain all nuts?

Many cans of "mixed nuts" contain legumes and seeds (which are not nuts) including peanuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, pecans, walnuts and Brazil nuts -- none of which are botanically "nuts".

Ben has a bag of cashews and peanuts The ratio of cashews to the total number of nuts in the bag is 16 to 50 What percent of the nuts are peanuts?

If the ratio of cashews to total nuts is 16 to 50, and there are only cashews and peanuts in the bag, then the ratio of peanuts to total nuts is the number of total nuts minus the number of cashew nuts, or 50 - 16 = 34 to 50 To find the percentage of peanuts, divide the number of peanuts by the total number of nuts and multiply that number by 100 to obtain (34/50) x 100% = 68% Note: Depending upon how sly your teacher is, this is a "trick question" because neither cashews nor peanuts are actually "nuts". Peanuts are legumes and cashews are seeds. Therefore, the answer might be: "None of the nuts are peanuts, because peanuts are legumes, like peas or beans, not nuts."

Which is not a nut peanut pecan walnut or cashew?

Peanuts they are botanically legumes, and are similar to beans. Walnuts, pecans and cashews are also not nuts, but rather seeds of drupes.

Can you be allergic to cashews and not peanuts?

You can react to any type of nut - usually peanuts, pine nuts and walnuts. Cashews are used in place of peanuts in some cases because of those with allergies. Cashew butter is sold just like peanut butter... You have to be careful with a nut allergy because most processing plants don't segregate nuts in storage, sorting or packaging. If they do, they will say they do on the product. Yes - you can be allergic to a compound found in cashews that is not found in peanuts.

Can pistachios trigger a nut allergy.?

Yes, but the proteins in peanuts are similar in structure to those in tree nuts. For this reason, people who are allergic to peanuts can also be allergic to tree nuts, such as almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pecans, and cashews. Be careful and stay safe!

Which is the most nutrient dense snack?

Nuts such as cashews, walnuts, almonds

Are cashews a product of peanuts?

CashewsNo, cashews are not related to peanuts. In fact, cashews are a member of the Poison Ivy family1.1.

What are elements in mixed nuts?

Mixed nuts typically include a variety of nuts such as almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts. Sometimes peanuts and macadamia nuts are included as well. Additionally, mixed nuts may also contain salt and oil for flavoring and preservation.

What nuts are high protein?

soy nuts, peanuts and walnuts are high in protein as is all nuts.

How many flavors of Nutella are there?

Nuts can be covered in milk, dark or white chocolate. Any nut can be covered in chocolate. This can include, but is not limited too; almonds, pecans, macadamia, peanuts, walnuts, and cashews.

Does pesto have nuts?

Yes. Pine nuts, walnuts, pecans and cashews are routinely used in pesto, but other kinds of nuts can also be used.