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Rabbits experience a large variety of living arrangements. Sadly, most are kept in small cages outside, where they can suffer from heat, bug bites, and fright. Increasingly however, rabbits are becoming household pets with some living in inside cages and others have free reign of the entire house!

See the related question below about caring for rabbits for info and helpful links about rabbit care and behaviour.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Bunnies are great pets, so long as you take care of them properly! They're funny, and friendly, and so cute!

Rabbits are very different from cats and dogs, and they have some special needs and unique qualities, so anyone thinking of keeping a bunny (or more!) as a pet should do some research first. Some important features about bunnies as pets include:

  • Rabbits live on average 8-12 years.
  • The biggest part of a rabbit's diet and habitat is hay -- this can cause problems for people with Allergies.
  • Rabbits are not good "starter" pets for children because they require a lot of daily care, a lot of learning, and they're delicate and easily injured.
  • Bunnies are social but they aren't always cuddly. Most rabbits will never enjoy being picked up; many don't even enjoy sitting on laps. You may only be able to cuddle your rabbit by petting him as he sits beside you on the ground.
  • Rabbits need at least 3 hours outside their cages to play, exercise, and socialize every day (even more if their cage is small).
  • Not just any vet can treat rabbits. It can be difficult to find a "rabbit-savvy" vet in your area, and they're usually more expensive than other vets.
  • Rabbits also need "first aid" care, including monthly grooming and treatment when ill. This can take a lot of preparation: learning what to do, collecting supplies, etc.
  • Rabbits can be destructive -- they can damage your belongings and risk their own lives! Their rooms need to be carefully "bunny-proofed."
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13y ago

If the bunny is domesticated that would be ideal to be inside at all times. If this is a wild bunny you found, you should release it to the wild and go to a pet store and buy a domesticated bunny.

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13y ago

If you want a bunny lost in your house then yes. Bunnies can run very fast.

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13y ago

Bunnies are pets cause they are easy to take care of.

P.S. if you know Madison Palmer don't talk to her or be friends with her.

p.s.s. she hates animals

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