They can be, and this is regardless of whatever colour the cat is.
Cats carry numerous bacteria in their saliva, such as Bartonella henselae, and this can easily be conveyed to their claws when they wash. In addition, toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the Toxoplasma gondii protozoan, which is present in cat droppings, and can be transferred to a cat's claws.
Yes, silica is not considered toxic to cats.
Yes, daffodils are toxic to cats if ingested.
Pussy willows are not toxic to cats. However, there are a long list of other plants and trees that are toxic to cats.
Yes, Christmas cacti are not toxic to cats.
Yes, Thanksgiving cacti are not toxic to cats.
Yes, the spring cactus is toxic to cats.
Yes, cilantro is not toxic for cats and can be safely consumed in moderation.
Yes, dill is not toxic to cats and is safe for them to consume in moderation.
Yes, Thanksgiving cactus is non-toxic to cats.
Yes, Christmas cacti are non-toxic to cats.
Yes, aloe plants are toxic to cats if ingested.
Yes, the Easter cactus is non-toxic to cats.